Tuesday, 24 December 2024

How Unpleasant to Meet Mr Medlin

A mere bagatelle, obviously playing off T.S. Eliot's "How Unpleasant to Meet Mr Eliot." A longer piece of persiflage is "Romanists and Anglicans," written in February 1981 and posted here on 20 October 2011. Its final couplet does not represent my own views!


How unpleasant to meet Mr Medlin,
Always his poetical eructions peddling
(Frankly, it quite does my head-lin):
It reminds me I once knew a chap called Edlin
Who was obsessed day and night with the roots of trees
And how their leaves (he said) pas de deuxed in the breeze,
I recall he had appallingly muddy knees:
You know, now I think on’t, I prefer Mr Medlin!

Apologies to Herbert L. Edlin, author of The Observer’s Book of Trees (1975), a greatly enjoyable and helpful volume.

© February 2023