Wednesday, 24 April 2024

"Time is Merciless"

This is obviously a bit of persiflage. For a more substantial lyric treatment see my poem "Time" written in August 1980 and posted here on 12 December 2012.


Time is merciless,
Time is flear:
Lose a minute?
Lose a year!

Slow it crawls,
Slow and then –
Spinning spalls! –
There’s no more “when.”

All must suffer,
All must fall;
Saint or huffer,
Waits the pall!

Works and days,
Loves and loathes,
Each one frays
Like old clothes.

“Mercy, mercy!”
Screams the slave:
Strait, per se,
Time digs his grave.

Coldness, blackness,
Life now ceased,
Mind is trackless,
All is least.

One day space,
Time too, will die:
Physics’ base
Prised like ply.

Till that point
See it sheer –
Time is merciless,
Time is flear.

© November 2021