I said to the sea, “What of me, what of me?
Whilst you go on to eternity
I age and wither, then cease to be;
Ah, think of the years not seen by me!
Can it be?”
sea in its thunderous winter mood,
blackened waves and spray all skewed,Roared, “I have no flesh nor any blood,
I need no love, I want no food;
Like God I brood.”
then in lisping summer swells:
you must flirt in sunny dells,Exchanging vows like coloured shells,
Drawing sweet water from deep wells
To the sound of bells.”
said to the sea, “Ah me, ah me!
girl has sickened, stung by a bee,I fell at the plough and broke my knee,
Infection came laughing with the crypt’s key;
Ah, take me to you, sea.”
© March 2015