Dhimmis are non-Muslims forced to live as second-class (or worse) citizens under majority Muslim rule. Jizya is the special tax they must pay or face death, forced conversion or exile.
Must I kneel in the dust for refusing to creep
Beatenly behind the proud musselman?
Dhimmi to axeman said;
Rosa Parks in the Confederate deep
On the bus took a front seat and said, “I can,”
Said dhimmi to axeman.
I daub a white cross on clothing and house
Denouncing me as a second-class man?Dhimmi to axeman said;
Moses Kaan, yellow-starred, ill-fed as a louse,
Climbed into cattle trucks, fulfilling a plan,
Said dhimmi to axeman.
I pay jizya and know myself humbled
Though my ill-lit quarter rots unrepaired?Dhimmi to axeman said;
Jorge Ribeiro through his favela stumbled,
Taxed, beaten, then shot down, unspared,
Said dhimmi to axeman.
Must I be silent about what makes for
And bow meekly to the musselman’s claim?Dhimmi to axeman said;
Kim Keo in Phnom Penh’s year zero of wrath
In the killing fields died with no hope and no name,
Said dhimmi to axeman.
Blood soaked the dust, no more was said,
The axeman had struck the dhimmi’s head.
February 2015