At the breaking of the day,
“You shall lead me to the pot of gold,”
As they went their way.
The churlish prince to his guide said
In the morning of the day,“Why do we climb so steep a path?”
As they went their way.
The churlish prince to his guide said
In the noontide of the day,“O I am tired of this high defile,”
As they went their way.
The churlish prince to his guide said
In the afternoon of the day,“Fool, you have brought me among the rocks,”
As they went their way.
The churlish prince to his guide said
In the even of the day,“I shall have you thrown from the highest cliff,”
As they went their way.
The guide said to his churlish prince
In the dark of the day,“Rest you here with steel in your back.”
And he went his way.
© December 1979