Has dipped beneath a neighbour’s house.
A shadow like a frozen mouse
Creeps out upon
The garden lawn
And Saturday is done.
The crocus folds its arms
In prayer and hopes the cup will pass.The moon is green as bottle glass;
A leper-light
Invades the night
And hedgehogs squeak alarms.
The bacon is all gone,
The ale is sour, the fodder worse,And misty days are like a curse;
The frost retreats
In small defeats
But damp is in the bone.
A sparrow at the window sill
Taps at the pane
Of Spring again
Where daily it has pined.
What thoughts against the cold?
I count the many who survivedTo light their candles and be shrived,
But mourn for those
Who in amaze
This winter have grown old.
© February 1980