Monday, 24 February 2025

Belated Lines to Ann Furedi Occasioned by Her Retirement as Chief Executive of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS)

This is my only ad hominem poem as far as I recall. I find Ann Furedi's justification of mass killing so obnoxious that, following the example of Shelley dashing off in haste "The Mask of Anarchy," I similarly rushed through this poem. It relies on immediacy for its effect.
   It was written after listening to Anne Furedi defend and extol abortion as a great achievement of women’s autonomy and career ambitions. She made no mention of the rights of the child or, indeed, of fathers. Particularly eye-widening were her admission that the unborn human has special status – but not special enough to save it from convenience killing, and her claim that there should be no laws whatever governing abortion (abortion up to birth being just one of those things). She is also on record as defending the killing of young girls in the womb in favour of boys, if the mother so desires. Such is today's murderous feminism.
   How ironic are our constant arguments about the mass immigration deemed necessary as a solution for the growing shortage of working age people in the British labour force. No mention is made that since abortion was legalized “for difficult cases only” in 1968 over ten million young British workers have been killed in the womb by the moral foulness of abortion – thus resulting in the current labour shortages and the rapid ageing of the population.
   “And what goes round goes round:” during the Covid pandemic abortion was returned to its “roots” when unsupervised home abortion by pills was made universally available. Inevitably, the casualty list of women needing emergency treatment for incomplete or botched abortions has soared. Back street abortion is once more a reality.
   We have ended up in the “civilized” post-Christian position of doing all we can to keep the elderly alive and all we can to kill as many young as possible. Is it a surprise that the judgement of God is upon the entire West?
   On a lighter note, I wrote another poem about a horror - "The Constant Companion" - in July 1980 and posted it on this blog on 1 March 2012. It is linked here.


(Note: Ann Furedi retired as BPAS Chief Executive in December 2020 and is now Vice-Chair of the Governing Body of MidKent College of Higher and Further Education).

Since 1968
When killing in the womb
Became a “freedom” thing,
10 million in spate
Young British folk and true
Have fallen to their fate:
And that is why I sing
In praise of Ann Furedi.

In 2021
A quarter million plus
Of young in the womb’s spring
Were drugged or knifed to none;
The mothers, fraught, went home,
The slaughter slick and done:
And that is why I sing
In praise of Ann Furedi.

A “libertarian,”
Gradgrind in her logic,
The right to keep or sling
One’s child, for her is clarion;
Thus, that boys might live
Girls must become carrion:
And that is why I sing
In praise of Ann Furedi.

“The best job in the world”
She called her work at BPAS
Attracting the media’s bling –
Their approval blatant, birled,
For “record-breaking growth”
Was hers, like a black flag unfurled:
And that is why I sing
In praise of Ann Furedi.

Abortion policy,
She’s said, should be a blank,
A Wild West where money’s “ping”
Kills up to birth scot-free.
She’s helped at a late-term killing
Then slept all night like the sea:
And that is why I sing
In praise of Ann Furedi.

Well, Britain’s millions short,
We’re told, of working folk,
But that’s abortion’s sting –
There’s pint where should be quart:
At MidKent now, Mère Ann
Tempts the young to abort:
And that is why I sing
In praise of Ann Furedi.

And what goes round goes round:
Home aborts by pill –
What joy, the postman’s ring! –
Bring back to its old ground
Death with its cramps and blood –
Back street killing is crowned!
And that is why I sing
In praise of Ann Furedi.

And so, the self-demise
Of the West’s Christian fact
To which so few now cling
Results in Ba’al’s flies
Crawling the newborns’ faces
Exposed under pagan skies:
And that is why I sing
In praise of Ann Furedi.

© May/June 2023

The Years Decay

The first line is obviously borrowed and adapted from Tennyson's marvellous poem, "Tithonus." The metre and rhyme are obvious, except that lines 4 and 5 in each stanza are trochaic with feminine endings.
   Another poem which sounds similar in tone to me, despite being written 43 years earlier, is "Winter's Ape," written in January 1980 and posted here on 11 December 2011.


The years decay, the years decay and fall
And in an eyelid’s blink you find you’ve aged:
      The sea mist like a shawl,
   Clammy on your shoulders creeping,
   Stifles health to old man’s weeping,
      And rain that’s unassuaged
         Drops tears for all.

Sing songs of rue, sing songs of rue and cry:
The years were good, life’s pluses richly stored,
      And none might say that I,
   Love’s rewards betraying rashly,
   Peacock-strutting, glaired and brashly,
      Strange gods embraced, or whored
         From truth to lie.

But still this pain, but still this pain unstopped
Insists that love and mind’s appel have failed,
      And age, for which none opt –
   Epidermis dryly shrinking,
   Bowels aching as if kinking –
      Drains off like slops unpailed
         Which can’t be mopped.

Why cling to life, why cling to life and mourn?
Oh sun that’s warm upon the dew-dropped stone
      What agonies forlorn
   Scarify dark death’s wide marches,
   Skulled and boned in soil which parches?
      Unhoped, we sink alone,
      Mocked by death’s rictus-yawn.

© May 2023

Monday, 27 January 2025

That Which I Would

Well, this poem is simple enough. In the ninth stanza "the Tarsan" is, of course, St Paul. There is a simple pattern of alternating feminine and masculine line endings throughout the poem.
   For something similar but different here's a link to "An Ending" which I wrote in trochaic tetrameters in December 1980 and posted on 7 November 2012.


(Romans 7, 15-25, Douay-Rheims)

That which I would, I do not,
That which I would not, do;
And so I’ll dance to Hades
If it’s all the same to you.

St Paul knew all the struggle,
The sting which grouched his side,
But back-flayed at the pillar,
Or sunk in the sea’s wide tide,

He held to the unseen knowledge
Which unsat him on the road,
And like a stubborn palmer
Strove to the unmoved Node.

But I, and you! like clubbers
Sway to the swing of the groove;
Ecstatic, the sound deck’s pounding
Propels our every move:

Shouting, laughing, lusting,
We hog the floor on speed,
Faces and loins are sweat-soaked
Like metaphors for greed.

Ha! chastity you flat-foot,
I’ll game whoever I choose:
Lying, fawning – well-practised! –
Are tools for those on the cruise.

Be perfect, One said, like your Father,
He who sees all, and will judge,
Though pre-1960s fancies
Are but a social misfit’s grudge.

And here’s a jug of Jack Daniel’s,
Some “kick of a mule” pills,
There’s porn on my iphone in plenty,
All’s pluses, no nils!

Yes, I know about all the sorrow
Caverning the world’s face,
But hand-wringing like the Tarsan’s
Is not a social grace.

And as for the globes now spinning
Above our strobe-lit heads,
Relax, they’re safely hanging
By Damoclean threads!

© April 2023

A Detestable Habit

The streets mentioned in this poem are the five main thoroughfares in Penzance - the granite Lyonesse of the west. Apart from the rhyme scheme the stanzas are patterned by alternating feminine and masculine line endings.
   For comparison here is a link to "The Lilies of the Valley," a ballad which I wrote in 1979 and posted on this blog on 1 March 2012. Incidentally, King Solomon's Mines remains a tremendous read - and to hell with political correctness.

-------------- I grow older I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me...” (Allan Quatermain in King Solomon’s Mines by H. Rider Haggard).

As I walked on the prom in the morning
Nodding to him and to her,
And the shopkeeper pulled out his awning,
Market Jew Street beginning to stir,
A sudden great horror enwhelmed me,
Cold as a wave of the sea,
   For a detestable habit of thinking
   Bounces me on its knee.

As if struck I froze in an anguish –
Ah, Sartre, Huysmans, de Sade! –
And Chapel Street started to languish
At the sun’s curdled aubade,
For life’s but an ill-willed hormone,
It starts, it’s lived, it’s flown,
   And a detestable habit of thinking
   Pierces me to the bone.

Futility and sadness
Torment even the little child,
In Causewayhead there’s madness
As the dead limp single-filed,
And tonight the moon will perish,
Throttled in its own wish,
   Oh a detestable habit of thinking
   Dangles me like a fish.

Well, the wind upon the mountains,
Like Life, will ever ring,
And words like spray from fountains
Through Bread Street will hiss and sting,
But the one unique loved other
Will die though balmed with myrrh,
   And this detestable habit of thinking
   Thrashes me like a cur.

Is the All but an absurd cipher,
A French farce that laughs to weep?
Does Sisyphus, the eternal lifer,
In Alverton Street beg for sleep?
Oh, I long to be a bourgeois,
Small-minded, safe below par,
   For this detestable habit of thinking
   Must mend but only to mar.

© April 2023

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Another Prod at Auden

I decided I had more to say about W.H. Auden (see my previous post, "Just a Prod at Auden"). This much longer poem uses the stanza from Spenser's "Up Then, Melpomene." The rhyme scheme and line lengths are obvious; line 7 in each stanza is trochaic, and lines 8 and 10 always have feminine endings. The first phrase in the first stanza is adapted from Pound's "Canto II." The two direct quotes in the poem are both from Auden.  The reference to Christ Church in the first stanza recalls how undergraduates would exasperate their tutors when challenged on some view by responding, "Well, Wystan says..." "Rhoda" in stanza two is Rhoda Jaffe who did indeed have an affair with Auden. Unfortunately, and unrelated to Auden, she eventually committed suicide.
   Way back in 1976 I wrote "The Thing Which Sticks," a long unfinished poem about writers in the 1930s (in some people's view, not mine, Auden's heyday). I revised it in March 2013 and posted it here on 1 April 2013. And in October 1981 I wrote a sonnet, "The Artist," which is self-explanatory. I posted it here on 14 June 2012.


Hang it all, Wystan Auden: great your gift but veined
   Like cheese with worm: from Christ Church – “Wystan says” –
   Camply declaring law, to late life ’blained
   And slippered, all men’s uncle in a faze
   Of fag smoke, mourning moral ills in your maze
      Of words, your work was feminate,
      Mother’s teat your lifelong bait:
         A flouncy archness
   Too often flabbed its florid fine-meshed bays,
         Like linen starchless.

“Unfinished weaning”? No, rather a wilful urge
   To “other” your third son status; thus to claim
   Dogmatic rights in world and love, to merge
   And part Mama and son, and itched by shame
   Embrace vocation that the Muse might tame
      The Lord’s command that babes be born,
      Jack and Jill one-fleshed in spawn.
         But did not woman,
   Pert Rhoda, tempt your manhood to enflame,
         Become your leman?

All failed: once more you grieved in Kallman’s pathic clutch.
   Think though! To scorn man’s duties to his girl
   Invites perversion: two men’s sexual touch,
   Then man and child, or animal; and whirl
   The tables, girl and girl; then last, the skirl
      Of transdom, screaming against fact,
      Wigged or trousered, science quacked!
         And contraception
   Forborne by church and state – that fatal pearl! –
         Loosed this vexation.

So sex for fun, not childing, thus became a “right,”
   Quick-followed by abortion’s blade: what doubt
   The child was double-victimed, killed like a mite
   Enwombed, or sexed-with, grown? But they who pout
   At Law face ends, their tribe grown old and stout –
      For childless – cursed to dim and die:
      Nature, ruthless, puts them by,
         And a tribe that’s virile
   Swamps in, seizing, smashing, what once had clout,
         Laid bare as puerile.

This post your death, but trahison has its harsh deserts.
   Your crust of Goethed wisdom failed to mute
   Your nanced “Miss God says no!” wealing no hurts
   But trifling, rather, the Kind’s self-dispute.
   Waysided now by epoch’s turn, your bruit
      Of late-termed Christian Staat must sink,
      Spurned as frankly too much ink,
         For the struggle’s started
   ’Twixt withered West and Crescent which will moot
         Who’s firmer-hearted.

© March 2023

How Unpleasant to Meet Mr Medlin

A mere bagatelle, obviously playing off T.S. Eliot's "How Unpleasant to Meet Mr Eliot." A longer piece of persiflage is "Romanists and Anglicans," written in February 1981 and posted here on 20 October 2011. Its final couplet does not represent my own views!


How unpleasant to meet Mr Medlin,
Always his poetical eructions peddling
(Frankly, it quite does my head-lin):
It reminds me I once knew a chap called Edlin
Who was obsessed day and night with the roots of trees
And how their leaves (he said) pas de deuxed in the breeze,
I recall he had appallingly muddy knees:
You know, now I think on’t, I prefer Mr Medlin!

Apologies to Herbert L. Edlin, author of The Observer’s Book of Trees (1975), a greatly enjoyable and helpful volume.

© February 2023

Just a Prod at Auden

Back in the 1930s William Empson wrote his famous - and still well worth reading - poem, "Just a Smack at Auden." I thought I'd have my own say, using the Tanka stanza. As I wrote, two quiet references to Auden's elegy for W.B. Yeats crept in. In the fifth stanza there is a quote from St Paul, 1 Cor. 11.22 (Douay-Rheims translation). Blenheim is Blenheim Palace, surely pretty massive on anyone's scale, (my spelling "massifed" is deliberate).
   I expanded on some of my own feelings about writing in "Meaning," written in April 2016 and posted here on 22 June 2021.


Your subjects were large,
Your languaged proclivities,
Your scoped poetics,
Immense. And engrossing were
Your rococo’d, modulate

Speech-things, busied with
Ethics in this double-cross,
Back-slap-and-grin world:
A gemmist, you rehabbed words,
Bran-tubbing the O.E.D.

But you were silly,
Unserioused by queerdom,
A wrist-dropped “get her!”
Veining even your starkest
Moralled works. Those epicene

Love songs, unfocussed
By the twink impulse, hidden;
The doctrined poems
Later, Christ typifiying,
Wormed by the harlot, Kallman;

And, in age, your broad
Divagated hold-forths, wealed,
But cricked by your eye
For “trade” and young men blooming:
Well, in this I praise you not!

Oh, for that finalled
“Whoomp!” of braced argumentum
Arnold’s tense hair-pull,
Say, worrying to terse ends
(A dosing of his father’s

Masculine credo
Would have helped, too). Despite that,
Your gift survived all,
Uneasing, now, “woke” wordcarls,
Popping-eyed for “inclusion,”

Castrated syntax –
All such man-dreamt Ponzi trash!
Massifed as Blenheim
Your work shrugs: what’s consequent
Is virtue; praise; and pity.

© February 2023