Monday 24 June 2024

Venus Glowing

This poem, as perhaps the rather light-hearted tone of the first two lines suggests, was planned to be a witty, bouncy consideration of life and morality as lived in the far west of Cornwall. Instead it developed into a more serious discussion of the Six Sins Against the Holy Spirit as enumerated in Traditional Roman Catholicism (as opposed to the current debased and corrupt Catholicism-lite plastered on the Church by the Robber Pope Bergoglio, who calls himself Francis).
   The poem is written in alternating trochaic pentameters and tetrameters, except for two lines where iambics crept in. Mounts Bay is the large bay between Gwennap Head and The Lizard on which my beloved Penzance sits; Cudden Point is a headland to the east of Marazion which itself is to the east of Penzance.
   For a very different treatment of deep matters, here's a link to my December 1980 poem "Plotinus and the Snake" (posted on this blog on 19 December 2012). I wrote it in the first flush of discovering Plotinus whom I still regard as one of the very greatest of the ancient philosophers and the greatest Neo-Platonist. It has often been pointed out how close his work is to Christian philosophical theology; indeed, in the seventeenth century there was an entire school of Christian Platonists for whom he was central. The various incidents mentioned in the poem are taken from his biography.


Venus glowing on the Western Sea
Shines on sinners, shines on me –
Lovers, lusters, pursemen swelled and sleek,
Victors having stormed their peak:
Lit by midnight’s star-and-Venus glow
(Mounts Bay shillies to and fro),
All must quaver at the sea wind’s cry,
“O Baltázar, know thy soul is claimed,
“Countless are your sins and named,
“Swept to Sheol by the Lord’s fierce hand,
“Reft your world-hopes, foam on sand.”
Friends, know this, you too Baltázar are,
And I, the meanest sinner far.
      Six great sins like bales a’squat our backs
Frenzy us as flies in wax.
First’s Presumption: lo, the Pharisee
Draped in rubric, scalp to knee,
Harsh in faulting lessers’ ill-drilled ways,
Rank impresses through his gaze;
But assurance cranks to hauteur’s puff,
Soles him in his own enough,
Momently, he’s pillared like Lot’s wife,
Living, yes, but not a life.
      Then’s Despair, philosophy’s own gift:
Tenured, cuckold, last hairs quiffed,
Jürgen Krudsmann munches like a snail
Nietzsche’s orphic sense-spatched Braille;
Decades questing self’s sufficient “is,”
Cross-eyed with his helpless “viz,”
Chasm-dancing leave him, for in man
Essence is not found nor plan;
Self’s existence rests on what’s Without,
Raising it above things’ rout;
Krudsmann, though, his lecture notes in stone,
Pumps his texts like bodies prone;
Nothing’s found, nothing to salve his gloom;
Slowly shadow darks the room.
      Next’s Impugning Truth That’s Known. Behold,
Zadie Zed (once Adam Auld)
Swirls “her” stubble with a rouge-charged brush,
Bothered by “her” tub-sized tush;
Penis-bulged, “her” cami-draws enclose
Not girls’ poesy but male prose;
Bustless, hands like hairy Mowbray pies,
“Truth” for “her” is baked of lies.
Notice: “gender,” “sex,” are words which case
Fact’s one fact: there’s sex, its base
Chromosomes, which cannot jump as wish
Wishes; “gender” claims, like fish
Landed writhing, are but tantrumed screams
Contra datum, blemished memes
Imitating Satan’s “Non,” for he,
First, refused reality.

This Pestering Present Moment

There is more going on formally in this little poem than first meets the eye. The first four lines of each stanza are alternating iambic trimeters and trochaic tetrameters, and lines one and three have feminine endings. The final four lines of each stanza are alternating iambic tetrameters and trimeters, with lines five and seven ending in three-syllable words (well, four syllable in the second stanza, line seven). The rhyme scheme is obvious.
   For a much different approach to the endless present moments of time, here's a link to my free verse poem "Works and Days" written in May 1979 and posted here on 10 May 2012..


   This pestering present moment
Stabs its goad and stings the mind;
   Indicting, never dormant,
Leaves no trespass unassigned:
            By self-division endlessly
            It births the endless now,
            Thus blighting all to guiltily
            Do all that sins allow.

   You cheated, lied, you slandered,
Pardoned self but not your friend,
   But appetites unlaundered
Flinder truth and never mend.
            Insist if must that frabjously
            The sated self’s at peace,
            But consequence will hideously
            Griddle you in your grease.

   And what is truth? laughed Pilate,
Truth’s my free-for-all, growled time,
   Where lust barebacks your wallet,
Mocks your groans as pantomime:
            It’s hate, it’s graft, and shamelessly
            Enthrals your grasping eyes;
            It sells you time-share earnestly
            But damns you to the sties.

© April 2022