Thursday, 8 June 2017

April Heavy Days

These April heavy days of thunderous warmth
Drape palls of fustian in the young-leafed trees;
Robins and blackbirds, vocal in their stealth,
Stalk verge and hedgerow in the heat-full breeze.

Like iodine swabs the thunderheads cohere,
The crows go silent in their startled strut,
Hushed heat throws blankets on the rattling weir
And big-eyed raindrops pox a mud-hard rut.

With a crack, like the blood welt from a whip,
Black-quarelled rain gallons the frothing earth,
The thick-fogged clouds, opaque as mine dust, rip
Thunder through the fir trees where jays take berth:

The down-swamp done, a lop-tongued iris lurches
Tall, and day’s heat steams in the world-fresh birches.

© April 2014


Wednesday, 7 June 2017


The earliest of these fourteen epigrams was written in March 2014 and the latest in May 2015. Regarding the second of the epigrams on Pope Francis (not my favourite person), Mr Justin Welby, who calls himself archbishop, on visiting the Pope in June 2014, and with the whole wealth of Christian art and symbol to choose from, presented him with a potted plant. And as regards the third, the Pope invited the Israeli and Palestinian presidents to the Vatican gardens in June 2014 to plant olive trees for peace; by July Israel and Hamas were at war.


   How odd
That we who daily defecate,
With airs and graces imprecate
   Our God.


   That such as I,
Coiled through with crabbish spite,
A latheman’s lacklust son,
Should prism the pure light
Of words, glossing each one,
   Splitting the sky!

World-eyed Agamemnon slept
Tomb-enwrapped in dust-deep years;
Hellene logos, Christian light
Chest-protuding warfare kept;
Muslim trumpets’ brawling jeers
Struck Byzantium’s ramparts down,
Danube’s wheatlands in their sight;
Waking, Homer’s gods made frown,
Mourning shrines and polis sacked:
Agamemnon’s death mask cracked.

   Moses, Buddha, Christ, Confucius,
Proclaim their teachings, firm as fact,
   Revelation’s not in doubting,
Salvation is to know and act.

   Sui generis their claims
Though not the myths of busy fools,
   Natural law, “thou shalt” and “not”,
Fruitfully nestles in their rules.

   Hence, unproven though some say,
Religion should be lived “as if”
   Things divine were true and not
“Because”, cannily liege and lief.


His going out is from the end of heaven, and his circuit even to the end thereof.” Psalm 18.

The universe is infinite
   Say some,
Expanding from a big bang point
   Say more,
So where’s the centre? Where are you?
   That’s where.

Where consciousness is self-aware
   Say some,
The universe itself is conscious
   Say more,
And self-awareness is the centre
   That’s where.


Though all exceptionalisms I believed,
Such as the American, were for the dogs,
In fact I grandly believed in personal
Exceptionalism but illness cured me.


Why strive to crowd your cave
With young, a girl, a son?
The grave takes all we have;
The young die, Death goes on.
