Friday 7 May 2021

Lichened Pavements

This is trochaic apart from line 8. It seems often the case that a strand of thought in trochaics ends up naturally in an iambic line.


Lichened pavements in the winter sun,
Emerald-yellow, dewdrop bright,
Glow like gauze which the spiders spun,
Flashed by the sun’s cold morning light.

Orange-startling like a bloodshot eye,
Flinging shadow from its horizon’s poise,
Warmth exuding in the icy sky,
The sun’s silence is a sort of noise.

Finger-shadows stroke the ground,
Green-gleam lichen swells and spreads;
Kneeling, I studied each rift and mound,
Worlds in tiny on kerbs and treads:

Grass-stained sawdust with stems and fronds,
3-D bulk with mites a’run,
Forest-dense – all boughs and wands,
Flecked with grey, flame-red and dun.

Living, thickening, by years undaunt,
Sponge-piling pavements each season passed,
Glint with frost-melt, this lichen will flaunt,
Thriving still when my grave is grassed.

© March 2016